Freelance Writing Services
50% Deposit Required
Newsletter & Blog Posts
- Average 350 - 500 words
- Writing available for most topics
- Includes
- Topic research
- Writing and editing
- At least one stock image relevant to the topic
- Link check, spam check and spell check
- Scheduling when available
- Post to social media
Starting at $125
Document Formatting
- Document review
- Cover Page added
- Table of Contents added (if needed)
- Consistent Formatting set up based on your branding
- Header, footer and page numbers added
- Up to two revisions included
- Includes blank MS Word doc file with pre-set formatting
- Final Design supplied in PDF print ready format
Starting at $15.00 per page
Copy Editing
- Review manuscript:
- Find and repair grammar and spelling mistakes
- Repair broken syntax and sentence structure
- Ensure manuscript adheres to a clear and consistent style
- Flag larger issues for review
$4.00 per page
- Completed after formatting but before printing
- Focus on:
- Overlooked misspellings
- Typographic errors
- Page number accuracy
- Running heads
- Page breaks & hyphenation
- Widows & orphans
- Labels, captions and other insets